Let your breath guide you to clarity.
"The words animal, psyche, spirituality and inspiration all trace their roots back to words meaning “breath.” Your experience of your breath is foundational not just to life, but to your experience of life.”
–Philip Shepherd, Radical Wholeness
Breath is our most natural impulse. It gives us life and nourishes our bodies. And yet, unnoticed patterns often inhibit our experience of the breath, which can leave us feeling anxious and uncertain.
Drawing on exercises from The Embodied Present Process, this workshop will help you discover how the body can release to the breath naturally and easily; and it can do so in ways that help minimize anxiety, increase energy and support your own clarity.
This playful and experiential workshop will help you:
- bring awareness to your breath;
- feel supported by your breath; and
- access the clarity and wisdom of your body.
“I recommend this work to anyone who wants to become more mindful, more aware, more grounded and in their body.”
– Danika Zoe, Leadership Coach
“Allyson's warm, responsive and engaging style created a safe and comfortable space to explore these body and breath exercises.”
– Sharon, Toronto
“Allyson guided us on breathing practices that allowed us to develop greater awareness between the empowerment of our body and conscious mind. We had so much fun participating in the workshop!”
– Han, Toronto
About the workshop
Play, deepen, soften
In-person Workshop:
- Three hours
- Bring a sense of curiosity
- Max 8 participants
- Ferry ticket not included (if workshop is in person)
Online Workshop:
- Three weekly 1-hour sessions
- Bring a sense of curiosity
- Max 12 participants

One-on-one Coaching
Embodiment and Breath Coaching
Private coaching with Allyson, either in person or on Zoom, to help you soften into your body and discover the deep resources within.
Pregnancy Coaching
Private sessions to prepare you for your pregnancy, delivery and parenting journey.
Move from nervous to grounded, from uncertain to embodied, from anxious to excited.
Pregnancy and delivery should an empowered and transformational journey. Your body has incredible wisdom, resources and strength.
I hope you'll join me to discover yours!