Offering embodiment, presentation, acting, breath and life coaching.
Individual Coaching
A journey to wholeness, tailored just for you.
TEPP™ co-directors Philip Shepherd and Allyson Woodrooffe offer individual coaching to help you navigate the elusive journey to wholeness. With a deep capacity for listening closely, and the ability to personalize embodiment exercises to your needs, Philip or Allyson will be with you each step of the way.
Sessions can be paid for and then booked via email. We work with people all over the world and are willing to do our best to accommodate any timezone. After you've paid for a session, send us a note and we'll be in touch to set up the time. Sessions can usually take place within a week to 10 days.

Embodiment, Acting & Presentation Coaching
Coaching with Philip
Philip's sensitivity to the challenges of embodied living, and the simple and effective practices he has developed to help people navigate those challenges, make his coaching style personal, relaxed and potently transformative.
Embodiment and Life Coaching
Coaching with Allyson
Allyson's work helps people develop their inner strength and resources. She finds her life coaching is deeply supported by incorporating embodiment practices that offer long-lasting support to her clients.